Save the Date: 4/13 Brooklyn Independent Comics Showcase

Mark your calendar for Saturday April 13th 2024. Earth. Brooklyn.

I’ll be tabling at the Brooklyn Independent Comics Showcase, and my table will be as busy as this flyer.

That’s because my zines, chapbooks, artists’ books and traditional pubs will be sharing a table with the Event Horizon Kickstarter Launch party… wooooooot! We’ll be in the first few days of our crowdfunding campaign (launches 4/9) for this sci-fi, sensual and literary collection of stories told in comics, prose, canvas work and photography, full of excitement and with giveaways, raffles and LIVE DEMOS of the book at our table.

Pledge on the spot, or show us you backed this project already, and walk away with a 5.5 X 8.5 postcard of the cover art by Karen S. Darboe AND get entered into a raffle for bigger prizes. You can also shop from our many add-ons IN PERSON, saving you shipping costs, including Event Horizon sticker and poster packs, while they last.

What other table offers free black holes?

(Now excuse me while I figure out how I fit all this in a 2X4 table).

That’s the beauty of black holes, SO MUCH PACKED INTO A SMALL SPACE.

I will live-stream a part of this for those of you not in the state of Brooklyn, stay tuned!
