Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back had a stellar Kickstarter launch. If you missed it, now’s the time to preorder your copies of a book that bends genre, not to mention spacetime. You’ll find all three cover variants of the book (Karen S. Darboe, Armando Ramirez, BlusterOne, minus the Kickstarter exclusive digital variants), and…
Category: New Release
A Big Thank You
The official thank you is in the book. But the Kickstarter thank you? This is it. I want to really thank every one of you that backed Event Horizon and tolerated a month of black hole metaphors on your timeline because you follow me and/or Janus Point Press, especially during turbulent times in the world. I…
Two Geeks Talking: Talking Brains, Visual Steam of Event Horizon
Really excited that my recent interview with Kurt Sasso of Two Geeks Talking and Chris Allo of Magnus Arts is released! In this interview, Kurt digs into the layers of the stories of Event Horizon as well as the intricacies of working with an agency of illustrators, Magnus Arts, led by Chris Allo. This was…
Event Horizon Meets Goal in Less than 1 Hour
Really touched by those of you showing up in the early hours of the campaign getting us to BEING FUNDED IN LESS THAN 1 HOUR (55 MINUTES). So grateful, and excited for the rest of you who will join us. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/theninagalaxy/event-horizon-stories-of-no-turning-back
Kickstarter Prelaunch Live: Event Horizon
We took our next big step closer to our Kickstarter for Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back, my debut short story collection told in comics, prose, canvas work and photography… we made our Kickstarter prelaunch page public on the actual site of Kickstarter! This means the project is officially up on Kickstarter as ready…
Trailer: Event Horizon Stories of No Turning Back
Almost one month away from our Kickstarter campaig on 4/9/2024 and we’re so excited about sharing the trailers we have for Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back! Our story-driven trailer is meant to excite readers with curiosity, with a narration of prose layered over comics in the collection that come together in story-unity. Are we in somebody’s…
Vicious Penguin File #3 Released
Posted today Vicious Penguin File #3. The Vicious Penguin Files are a series of interviews I did with Tracy168 the Artist on the life that informed his art. For an introduction to these interviews, click here. Tracy168: Tracy Face, Thor, Race, Family. Recorded February 13th 2021 Tracy and I recorded this on the eve of…
Cover Reveal for Event Horizon
At long last, the delight of sharing our lead cover for my debut short story collection Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back. Karen S. Darboe’s cover captures so much of the female voice, my voice, in this book. I so hope you join us for an April 9th Kickstarter launch–the crowdfunding that will spark…
Cover Reveal… Watch out for Black Holes
My upcoming book cover is going to be revealed this week via a group that invited me to speak soon with their constituents. From the woman (and press) that warns you about wormholes, comes its cousin: WATCH OUT FOR BLACK HOLES. Literally watch out for black holes and tag me on social media @ TheNinaGalaxy…
A Nuyorican Tale: Review with Essay
A personal review, mixed with memoir, on the dynamic jazz concert featuring Carlos Henriquez’s A Nuyorican Tale, at Dizzy’s Club on December 26th 2023. Sold out crowd. forgive typos in captions. Personal note on the father jail cell lesson mentioned: it was also about landing in a place you shouldn’t be in, but life is…