Graymalkin Lane Podcast: X-Men 47, Featuring Phillip Kennedy Johnson

A wonderful time had on this podcast with host Chat, Seth Martel and Phillip Kennedy Johnson. This X-Men was a riot to review. I’ve spent more time in the East Village this month in this comic and the zine fair than my entire NYC life. While there is much to say about mentalists, Orientalism, dating…

Announcing Janus Point Press

Above quote by Russell Maret, Private-Press Printer and Type Designer A natural progression of Zoe Health (art meets public health) seems to be: Janus Point Press Welcome my boutique imprint, which aims not just to house selected works of my own as indie comics creators do, but also special print collections of others that support…

Gumercinda’s Flower Out in WinC’s March Equinox Issue

Find a new story of mine in Women in Comics’s March Equinox Issue “Blooming” released today. “Gumercinda’s Flower” is a quick bloom at 300 words, but contains a universe. Check out the issue’s fun comics, poetry and prose celebrating Spring. Digital available at their shop, Amazon Kindle and Global Comix.  

LAUNCHED! Zine100 on Kickstarter

We are LIVE with our campaign to fund #Zine100, the zine with tips on “HOW NOT TO BE COLONIZED BY OUTREACH PROGRAMS: A HOW TO ZINE ON WORKING WITH PEOPLE WHO OFFER YOU STUFF.” Today is the day for Kermit arms! The day you backers with enthusiasm and who don’t need the loooooong sale’s pitch…

Zine100, a PROJECT WE LOVE, Launches 1/19/22 on Kickstarter

A smile for the first day of the year 2022: My upcoming Make100 Kickstarter public health zine is a PROJECT WE LOVE at the start gate. Zine100: How Not To Be Colonized by Outreach Programs is a how-to zine on working with people who offer you stuff. It provides basic groundwork for making sure your…

BACK WITH BARNEY: Catch me on Story Comic

Chat with us live at 7pm EST Tuesday 10/5/21. We’ll be talking…? Summer in outer space (51 Solstice); Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology and my story, Jean; some graffiti comics (DR163!); some publishers… and whatever Barney has in store. Or he’ll just have to book me again. Smiles guaranteed. Live on youtube or…

WinC Magazine Issue #1 Now on Comixology

Today is Autumn Equinox, so what a cool day for my comic with Rafael Romeo Magat in WinC Magazine’s debut issue, Dear Summer, to be available on Comixology? Enjoy “51 Solstice” and a collection of other great comics that muse on summer.

Interview with Solo Nerd Bird

K.S. Garner interviewed me about the newly released #SpeculativeFictionforDreamers and my story #Jean, how good editors influence the writing path, what’s success?!, and the intersection between public health and my works. BONUS MATERIAL: A war with my earbuds. Podcast Links: SoundCloud Apple Spotify

OUT NOW! Speculative Fiction For Dreamers

At long last! Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology is now available at bookstores and libraries! Enjoy this stunning anthology. My story in it is “Jean”. Happy Launch Day to #SpeculativeFictionforDreamers, an anthology that took my breath away, as it did reviewers. Where to buy and borrow? Here’s a list of bookstores and libraries…