New review is up for Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology. This one is by Erika Harlitz Kern of Foreword Reviews. Note when reading this review that the book also has Caribbean rep.
Category: New Release
“35 New And Upcoming Sci-Fi Thrillers You Won’t Want To Put Down”
Speculative Fiction For Dreamers is on this exciting list. “…Packed with 38 YA pieces by Latinx authors, this anthology is a must for short story readers.”
51 Solstice: Women in Comics Magazine
I had the pleasure of working on another comic, this time with illustrator Rafael Romeo Magat. On sale now, debut issue #1 of Women in Comics Magazine: Dear Summer, filled with poetry, microfiction and comics. In “51 Solstice” NYC summers are reflected in life on a space station in the Pegasus constellation, with some planet…
Brilliant Books Brought to Life on Kickstarter
Kickstarter hosts a curated list of “Brilliant Books Brought to Life” on their platform, and Speculative Fiction for Dreamers is listed! We thank all the backers, creators, editors, publisher and Kickstarter team to bringing this to life in orchestra.
“…a bold and masterful rearranging of genres..” “…These sentences are magical, loaded with history and memory and color and space-time and sound…”
“Jean” wins the 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize. Read the press release here.
Starred Publishers Weekly Review
Wonderful news for our anthology Speculative Fiction for Dreamers… starred review in Publishers Weekly! And I’m honored to get a shout out in it. From our publisher: “Outstanding,” “masterful,” “a knockout”—starred review for SPECULATIVE FICTION FOR DREAMERS in @PublishersWkly” From review: “Themes of family, migration, and community resonate throughout these 38 masterful stories, as in…
Elsewhere 2 Now Available on Comixology
Excited to see Elsewhere Volume 2 available for purchase on Comixology now. You can find ” A Real Selfie” in here, by me and Seth Martel. From the website: Elsewhere Vol. 2 “Relax your body and breathe deeply, completely. Observe your thoughts and let them pass through your mind without clinging. Feel the air on…
Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: PreOrder
You can now pre-order Speculative Fiction for Dreamers, which features my story, “Jean”. “Speculative Fiction for Dreamers brilliantly runs the gamut of visual, oral, and textual storytelling, creating magical wormholes that link Indigenous past to place-rooted present, imagined futures, and the abode of syncretic gods. These vital pieces resonate like entangled particles of ancestors and descendants,…
Andromeda Released: free on Mermaids Monthly
Now available for a free read! Andromeda, my comic with Seth Martel, is free on Mermaids Monthly. Dive in.