Map Making & Family on PBS Kids Alma’s Way

Super excited to see the PBS Kids segment we recorded for the adorable show, Alma’s Way has aired. In this 8 minute clip, Mapping Memories, find me with my mom’s hat on (you’ll hear my volunteer parent librarian fill-in Mrs. Peanut Butter voice here, too!) talking about what Central Park means to us, the fun…

Not Your Papi’s Utopia

New publication out in December. Find Event Horizon‘s “The Event Don Juan of Mycelia” in Not Your Papi’s Utopia: Latinx Visions of Radical Hope publishing with Mouthfeel Press, ending the trilogy of Latinx archive speculative fiction for this editorial team. Mouthfeel Press “is a Latinx, woman-owned press, created in the spirit of entrepreneurship, a love…

Bodega Dreams Author Ernesto Quiñonez weighs in on Event Horizon

It’s a warm feeling to have an author, whose works are beloved to you, read your own work, show absolute enthusiasm on your book’s concept and method in publishing, and then to hear the joy he took in reading it. Read Bodega Dreams author Ernesto Quiñonez’s reaction to Event Horizon, a blurb preceded by “…this…

How to be a Kickstarter Superstar!

Have a Kickstarter going on? If you’re shy telling backers how they can be superstar supporters: here, I tell them for you! Not shy? A free tool for one of your backer updates and precampaign marketing on how to be a backer that really counts.

Preorders Available

Event Horizon: Stories of No Turning Back had a stellar Kickstarter launch. If you missed it, now’s the time to preorder your copies of a book that bends genre, not to mention spacetime. You’ll find all three cover variants of the book (Karen S. Darboe, Armando Ramirez, BlusterOne, minus the Kickstarter exclusive digital variants), and…

A Big Thank You

The official thank you is in the book. But the Kickstarter thank you? This is it. I want to really thank every one of you that backed Event Horizon and tolerated a month of black hole metaphors on your timeline because you follow me and/or Janus Point Press, especially during turbulent times in the world. I…

Ending in hours… Event Horizon

Time. Getting. So. Slow. For. An. Observer. Of. This. Campaign. Don’t be an observer, then. Join our backer crew with a project pledge, as there’s only a future ahead when you cross into this book, my debut short story collection. Only hours left to support our Kickstarter campaign to publish this book, we end Friday…

Two Geeks Talking: Talking Brains, Visual Steam of Event Horizon

Really excited that my recent interview with Kurt Sasso of Two Geeks Talking and Chris Allo of Magnus Arts is released! In this interview, Kurt digs into the layers of the stories of Event Horizon as well as the intricacies of working with an agency of illustrators, Magnus Arts, led by Chris Allo. This was…

Assembling Event Horizon

Sharing my recent presentation with Kids Comics Unite, my interview with Patrick Lugo: “When the project you’re committing to needs pros. In our informal “Ask Me Anything” Author/Self-Publisher Stephanie Nina Pitsirilos will answer questions about the journey involved in assembling a team of artists and other professionals to bring her most ambition project to life:…

Sentinels! On Graymalkin Lane

I’m baaack on The Graymalkin Lane podcast, this time being silly about Sentinels with some comics superstars (love that Chad brings me on to fangirl these folks and then talk about how I like Sentinels because they are pink and purple). Listen as we dive in and I mis-character everyone in this issue. “Avengers 103:…