Graymalkin Lane Podcast: X-Men 47, Featuring Phillip Kennedy Johnson

A wonderful time had on this podcast with host Chat, Seth Martel and Phillip Kennedy Johnson. This X-Men was a riot to review. I’ve spent more time in the East Village this month in this comic and the zine fair than my entire NYC life. While there is much to say about mentalists, Orientalism, dating…

Announcing Janus Point Press

Above quote by Russell Maret, Private-Press Printer and Type Designer A natural progression of Zoe Health (art meets public health) seems to be: Janus Point Press Welcome my boutique imprint, which aims not just to house selected works of my own as indie comics creators do, but also special print collections of others that support…

Panel at Miami Dade College 5/20/22

This Friday! The Miami Dade College Student Writers Conference, online and in person. And free! Lots of great books to dive into, and authors and editors to hear and speak with. Including a few of us from Speculative Fiction for Dreamers . Our session is 3:10pm EST. Sign up below, see full schedule.

Speculative Fiction for Dreamers a Locus Finalist Best Anthology

Happy to see Speculative Fiction for Dreamers on this list of finalists from Locus Magazine. Congratulations to all. From their website: “The Locus Science Fiction Foundation has announced the top ten finalists in each category of the 2022 Locus Awards. These results are from the February 1 to April 15 voting, done by readers on…

“Jean” Wins 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize

Honored to receive this news. I’m the 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize winner for “Jean”. Read the heartwarming press release here. You can find “Jean” in Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology (Mad Creek Books, 2021)  at your local indie, library, Bookshop, online retailer, or book store. Many thanks to the Chautauqua Institution, Director Sony…

Spec Fic for Dreamers is a 2022 Ignyte Awards Shortlist Finalist

Announcing The 2022 Ignyte Awards Shortlist… Speculative Fiction For Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology is on this list for BEST ANTHOLOGY/COLLECTED WORKS. Check out the bustling list of works and creators, and get out that vote! From the FIYAHCON website: “The Ignyte Awards Committee Is thrilled to announce the finalists for the 2022 Igynte Awards. The…

“Jean” is a 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize Finalist

I’m a finalist for the 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize for my story “Jean” , where a preteen uses comics as her star map to navigate life, and wormholes. Find the story in Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology pubbed by Mad Creek at your friendly indie, or Congratulations to all 5 finalists on this…

Gumercinda’s Flower Out in WinC’s March Equinox Issue

Find a new story of mine in Women in Comics’s March Equinox Issue “Blooming” released today. “Gumercinda’s Flower” is a quick bloom at 300 words, but contains a universe. Check out the issue’s fun comics, poetry and prose celebrating Spring. Digital available at their shop, Amazon Kindle and Global Comix.  

Uncanny Creatives: My Interview with “Pops”

My interview on Uncanny Creatives was released today. I had a LOT of fun in this interview. “Pops” asked me a question that rang true native NYC: how does identity play out here and how does it play out in the arts? I was really happy to answer this in the same way I write:…