Find Jean at El Museo del Barrio Gift Shop

Happy to bring Latinx speculative fiction and sci-fi works to El Museo del Barrio in NYC, starting with Speculative Fiction for Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology featuring my award-winning “Jean”. If you are on the East side or want a power walk to the East side, do hop over to 104th Street and 5th Avenue and grab a…

Jean, Janus & Comic Book Realism: New Chapbook

The 2022 Chautauqua Janus Prize lecture “Jean, Janus & Comic Book Realism” is now available in chapbook and ebook form. The chapbook that takes you down a wormhole (or two) in handmade, saddle-stitched form. And ebook. And anthology t-shirt bundles. Oh my! Chock-full of craft, comic book realism, family history, historical notes for Puerto Rico…

Spec Fic for Dreamers is a 2022 Ignyte Awards Shortlist Finalist

Announcing The 2022 Ignyte Awards Shortlist… Speculative Fiction For Dreamers: A Latinx Anthology is on this list for BEST ANTHOLOGY/COLLECTED WORKS. Check out the bustling list of works and creators, and get out that vote! From the FIYAHCON website: “The Ignyte Awards Committee Is thrilled to announce the finalists for the 2022 Igynte Awards. The…

Speculative Fiction for Dreamers at #AWP21

Had a wonderful time attending the panel where I read from my short story “Jean” on the #AWP21 Panel  Soñando Juntos: Latinx Speculative Futures this week and hearing Karlo, William and Sara read from their lovely stories! And the panel chat. Also loved listening to the Friday panel with the editors about their thoughts on…